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Sebuah KERINDUAN; bahwa kasih itu tak mampu dibatasi tembok-tembok perbedaan. Kasih kami untuk semua.

Jumat, 01 April 2011

Serat mugi katur dhumateng Pasamuwan Gemeinde Maxhuette Haidhof ing Negari Jerman.

Gemeinde Maxhuette Haidhof

Through this letter, we – “Posko Kerinduan” – extend our gratitude and highest appreciation for your support and helpfulness donation due post-disaster recovery programs of Merapi Volcano eruption. The donation – contributed by the "Gemeinde Maxhuette Haidhof" in Germany – was given to us through Rev. Dr. Josef M.N. Hehanussa, M.Th. and Rev. Dr. Murtini Hehanussa (Pastor in the Parish "Gereja Kristen Jawa - Christian Church
of Java - Jatimulyo", Yogyakarta, Indonesia) in cash amounting 10.743.000 Rupiahs (910 €).

“Posko Kerinduan” is an emergency unit under Gereja Kristen Jawa (Christian Church
of Java) Jatimulyo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, as our response to help the victims of Merapi Volcano eruption disaster, which is still remaining nowadays as secondary effect of its main eruption.

The donation described above had distributed to recover the victims which are still facing economy problems, especially in Jamblangan Village, Srumbung, Sleman, Yogyakarta Province. Based on our surveys at the site which had been conducted to evaluate their local economy potential, we decided to distribute the assistance in the form of animals as livestock, especially goats. The villagers could breed the goats easily because there are plentiful resources to feed the animals in Jamblangan and its surroundings. In other hand, goats can breed twice a year with 4 babies in average each. It means, by breeding goats, the villagers could get better financial profit and sooner recover their own economy condition.

Anyway, we spent a portion of the donation to buy medicines and consumable logistic such as rice, oil, eggs, and spices. We believed that logistic supply is necessary in an emergency because the villagers couldn’t have plantation or farming due the land damage, poor drainage, and buried by eruption materials (volcanic ash and sand flood). The land needs much more time to be available to be used in farming or plantation as the villagers’ main occupation.

Considering the condition of Jamblangan (and its neighbors), it is clear that people in this area need more continuous and sustainable assistance, in a long period, until they can support their selves. We thank to the Lord of the donation from the "Gemeinde Maxhuette Haidhof” which helped the people in Jamblangan and took part of their suffering.

Therefore, we hope the "Gemeinde Maxhuette Haidhof” would like to assist more victims of Merapi eruption, and would like to take a part in a long journey of sustainable assistance in order to help these people to be self-supported. “Posko Kerinduan” is always ready to facilitate the assistance delivery to the victims; moreover – if our resources are available – we will distribute it to some villages which are already supported by “Posko Kerinduan” in Cangkringan, Sleman and in Srumbung, Magelang, Central Java Province.

Here are all of things we should inform to the "Gemeinde Maxhuette Haidhof". We hope, this beautiful partnership in the field of ministry of the Jesus Lord will continue in the future. We are grateful to God and pray for the God’s great blessings to the "Gemeinde Maxhuette Haidhof” in Germany.
regards to all of you.

Yogyakarta, 25 th March 2011
Sincerely yours
“posko kerinduan”

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